The main reason companies choose to outsource, is to save money. So where can companies find software outsourcing partners that are skilled and affordable? Well, Pakistan is a destination on the rise for software outsourcing. Let’s take a look at some of the factors driving Pakistan’s rise to the top of software outsourcing destinations.
In Pakistan, salaries remain low compared to Western countries or more developed Asian neighbors. This means that companies can save substantially on labor expenses. Although IT professionals and Digital Marketing consultants make more money than the average workers, trends indicate that a talented developer in Lahore costs much less than a developer outside Pakistan.
According to official figures, Pakistan’s export of Information Technology and IT-enabled services touched $2.2 billion in fiscal year 2014-15. There is no doubt that country’s IT industry has come a long way and is the fastest growing export sector. And because this sector consists of large IT companies, which hold local representative offices serving some of the world’s largest businesses to meet all their IT needs, billions of dollars are on the way. Pakistan also has the potential to become a supply route for internet and communication services for the neighboring countries.
Massive 3G/4G networks have led to exponential growth in mobile broadband internet. Also, social media platforms have literally changed the way businesses market their products and reach customers. This strong relation between digital marketing and software development has given life to brand promotions. With help of technology incubators like Plan9 and LUMS Center for Entrepreneurship, Pakistani startups have amazed the world. Now, foreign software companies with solid local partners are exploiting opportunities facilitated by the government of Punjab.
The country is inviting global tech companies like Amazon, eBay and Paypal, directly boosting e-commerce and app development. As the government seeks to develop a technologically advanced infrastructure, the business climate is expected to improve for foreign software development companies in Pakistan.
Contributor: Awais Khan
Awais is a Digital Marketing consultant. With a brand management degree and some digital marketing experience, he develops creative growth strategies for brands online. His interests include photography, badminton and fiction writing.